Tony Mappy Hayzer
Born in Hackney East London. From being a Mod in the 79 revival we used to go to a night in Southend where local DJs Dick Coombes, Chad and Del played 60s Soul. That took us away from the revival bands. By mid 1980 the bands we all but over for us. Dick then started working in a record shop just off Carnaby st, I was working as a messenger not far from there, so spent all my time walking about window shopping or in Dicks shop listening to records.
We started going to 6ts nights run by Ady Croasdel and then going to niters when they started at the 100 club. From then on it was Stafford and Peterborough with Dick Coombes. I was buying soul records early 80 really. There were plenty of little shops about London in those days. First record was probably something like Billy Butlers Right Track. I’ve always had the same favourite record and it comes from those days. Spyder Turner – I can’t make it anymore. Started DJing in 81 when me and Eddie Piller started running mod clubs and all dayers around Essex.
I’ll definitely Have these in the box
Four Larks – I still love you
Cindy Scott In your spare time
The Spidells – Pushed out of the picture
Al James – Groove city
Eugène Gaspard – Holding on
Cynthia brown – Heaven must have sent you
Randy Brown – Always in the mood
Rosetta Johnson – Mine was real
Nina Simone – Save me
Betty Lavette – When the game is played on you.